Case Results

We have gotten many great results for many employers and businesses without charging high prices.

A successful trial win in breach of contract claim in Orange County Superior Court.

For over two years, a homeowner customer of our client, a local construction company, refused to pay the full terms of the contract. After a two-day trial, Pearl Legal, recovered the full amount owed to our client as well as the additional recovery of costs and attorney’s fees.


A full defense verdict in retaliation/discrimination/failure to accommodate claims in Los Angeles Superior Court.

During this case, the Plaintiff refused to consider any pre-trial settlement and attempted to put the Defendant, our client, out of business. After closing the case, the Plaintiff’s counsel demanded $595,000 in settlement. However, on behalf of our client, we successfully brought a non-suit claim following the Plaintiff’s close, eliminating a number of claims including retaliation and punitive damages. For the remaining claims, the jury deliberated for less than an hour, providing a full defense verdict. Pearl Legal successfully defended the case while obtaining a costs judgment against the Plaintiff for over $7,000 (payable to the Defendant).


Following a two-month bench trial and multi-year litigation, obtained court-ordered dismissals of 9 out of 11 claims by two former members of a Buddhist Temple claiming abuse by a Temple member.

The Judge ruled in favor of the Temple/entity as to all claims and denied the application of any economic or punitive damages in the case.


A successful Special Motion to Strike on behalf of a private school and church, including the recovery of more than $13,000 in client-attorney fees.



Successfully disposing pre-trial of all claims against individual owners and the company entity against a former employee claiming fraud and breach of contract claims.



Successfully obtaining a summary adjudication of all wrongful termination-related (discrimination and retaliation) claims in arbitration by an hourly employee against his former employer.



Successfully quashing service of a complaint against an Arizona corporation on jurisdictional grounds where the Plaintiff attempted to subject the firm’s client to California consumer laws.

After our aggressive and relentless defense, the Plaintiff never sought any other claims against the client.


Enforcing and obtaining a Workplace Violence Restraining Order against a client’s former employee where prior counsel was unable to obtain such an Order.

After a multi-day hearing, we obtained a three-year restraining order for our client to provide them with security and peace of mind.


Obtaining a dismissal of all wage and wrongful termination-related claims against a California business and business owner before trial.



Assisting a client in a multi-million-dollar class action lawsuit over unpaid wages to union employees.

Within three weeks of retention, we negotiated a full settlement for the client and saved them $1M over what the prior counsel was recommending they settle for.


Successful dismissal of PAGA claim.

Following initiation of PAGA litigation and following an unsuccessful mediation, the firm worked to resolve the matter in achieving a dismissal of all representative PAGA claims and resolving the individual plaintiff’s claims for nuisance value.


Successful dismissal of PAGA and Class Claims and resolution of Plaintiff’s individual claims in an action including two related cases against a client and client owner.

In a matter where the Plaintiff and the putative class/aggrieved group of employees sought 7-figure liability, the firm took over from prior counsel and resolved the matter as to the individual’s claims only.


Successfully resolving, without payment, numerous pre-litigation settlement demands from various members of the Plaintiff’s counsel.



Successfully resolved and settled dozens of claims/litigation actions for our business clients that were faced with 6 and 7-figure demands.


Get the outcome and results you deserve by working with Pearl Legal.

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